E-book_‘English Grammar Practice Worksheets’

About the E-book
Mastery of the English language has never been more important, whether for academic success, professional growth, or personal development. ‘English Grammar Practice Worksheets’ is designed to be a comprehensive, easy-to-use resource for students, teachers, and anyone looking to sharpen their English language skills. This book is structured with a wide variety of Practice Lessons and Activities that focus on essential grammatical concepts and patterns. Each lesson is paired with detailed explanations and solutions, making the learning process smooth and effective.
Whether you’re preparing for competitive exams, refining your writing skills, or simply looking to strengthen your understanding of English grammar, this book offers something for everyone. The exercises cover fundamental rules while challenging learners with vocabulary-based questions and advanced grammatical structures.
One of the unique features of this book is its versatility. The lessons cater to all age groups and educational needs, making it suitable for classroom learning or individual study. Whether you’re a teacher seeking engaging resources for your students or a learner working to build confidence in your English skills, ‘English Grammar Practice Worksheets’ is your ideal companion.
I hope this book helps you gain a deeper understanding of English grammar, enhances your language proficiency, and contributes to your overall success.
With best wishes,
Prof. Dipak Burhade,
(M.A. English M.Ed. University of Pune)
Maharashtra State, INDIA
Mobile: 9421330500
Lesson No. & Topic
- Past Continuous Tense
- Present Continuous Tense
- As soon as / No sooner…than
- Unless / If…not
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- Quantifiers
- Question Tag
- So / Because
- In Spite of / Despite
- Present Perfect Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Prepositions
- Wh-questions
- Active Voice-Passive Voice
- Can/Could/Cannot/ Could not
- Prefix/Suffix
- Prefix/Suffix
- Prefix/Suffix
- Degrees of Comparison
- Degrees of Comparison
- Degrees of Comparison
- Idioms
- Idioms
- Exclamatory/Assertive Sentences
- Exclamatory/Assertive Sentences
- Punctuation
- Punctuation
- Noun/Verb/Adjective/Adverb
- Noun/Verb/Adjective/Adverb
- Noun/Verb/Adjective/Adverb
- Collocations
- Collocations
- Connectors
- Connectors
- Active Voice-Passive Voice
- Future Perfect Tense
- Future Continuous Tense
- Prepositions
- Spot the Error
- Spot the Error
- Spot the Error
- Spot the Error
- Spot the Error
- One Word Substitution
- One Word Substitution
- Word Usage
- Word Usage
- Adjectives
- Adjectives
- Noun/Verb/Adjective/Adverb
- Noun/Verb/Adjective/Adverb
- Wh-questions
- Mood
- Prepositions
- Direct-Indirect Speech
- Direct-Indirect Speech
- Direct-Indirect Speech
- Direct-Indirect Speech
- Active Voice-Passive Voice
- Active Voice-Passive Voice
- Articles
- Articles
- Question Tag
- Question Tag
- Can/Could/Cannot/ Could not
- Do as Directed
- Do as Directed
- Do as Directed
- Do as Directed
- Do as Directed
- Quantifiers
- Word Usage
- As soon as/No sooner….than
- As soon as/No sooner….than
- Mood
- Identify the Tenses
- Identify the Tenses
- Interjections
- Change the Tenses
- Noun/Verb/Adjective/Adverb
- Gender
- Gender
- Present Continuous Tense
- Modal Auxiliaries
- Modal Auxiliaries
- Modal Auxiliaries
- Modal Auxiliaries
- Use of ‘do’ and ‘make’
- Use of ‘do’ and ‘make’
- In Spite of/Despite
- Phrases
- Simple Present Tense
- Determiners
- Determiners
- Simple, Compound and Complex
- Simple, Compound and Complex
- Singular-Plural
- Singular-Plural
- Regular Verbs
Sample Lessons of the E-book-
Buy the whole “English Grammar Practice Worksheets” E-book at just Rs.199/- Only
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For further queries or information contact on:
Mobile: 9421330500
Prof. Dipak Burhade