Bihar School Examination Board

Bihar School Examination Board Study Material

“If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”
– Benjamin Franklin

The Bihar School Examination Board is a constitutional body under section 3 of Bihar School Examination Act 1952. It is working under Government of Bihar and formed to conduct examinations at Secondary and Senior Secondary standard in both government and private schools of the state.

Key features of the Board-

  • Exams are conducted on the basis of prescribed syllabus by the Government of Bihar.
  • Board also conducts departmental examinations such as Diploma in Physical Education, Certificate in Physical Education and Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) for Bihar state, Simultala Residential Entrance Examinations (for admission to Simultala Awasiya Vidyalaya), Examination for Diploma in Elementary Education etc.
  • The board conducts secondary and senior secondary school examinations twice a year. One is the annual board examinations in February–March and the other is a supplementary examination held in May–June of every year.
  • Math, Science, Social Science, two language subjects are the compulsory for Class 10 students.
  • There are three streams in Class 12 i.e. Arts, Commerce and Science stream.
  • For arts, there are a lot of subjects available from which 5 subjects a student need to choose.
  • Commerce stream students need to appear for English, Hindi, Statistical mathematics, Business studies and Accountancy subjects.
  • Science stream students have Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics as main subjects and two are electives which are also compulsory.

Exam pattern-

  • The pattern for both matriculation and intermediate exams is determined by the Board.
  • Each paper consists of 50% objective type questions carrying 1 mark each.
  • OMR sheets for 1 mark MCQs are also provided to the students.
  • The paper also consists of descriptive type questions.
  • In addition, there are subjects which have a provision for practicals, with a weightage of 30 practicals + 70 written.

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