4.1 History of Novel- Std.12 English: Presentation-Maharashtra State Board

(Std.12 Maharashtra State Board) 4.1 History of Novel Brainstorming

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A novel is a narrative work of prose fiction that describes a story about particular human experiences over an extensive and significant length. It is a work of prose fiction that tells a narrative over an extended length. The novel is an invented prose narrative that is usually long and complex and deals especially with human experience through a usually connected sequence of events.

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  Derived from the Italian word ‘novella’
  Deals with Human Characters
  Long & Complex Plot
  Divided into Chapters
  Use of Proper Narration
  Often Realistic & Satiric


Gift of Eighteenth Century to English Literature
  1. The Periodical Essay
  2. Novel


Effect of Novel on the Eighteenth Century
  Affected Intellectual Spirit
  Formed Sentimental Attachment
  Instructed the Readers
  Managed Realistic Plane
  Made Life Purposeful & Virtuous
  Gained Popularity with Growth


Functions/Characteristics of Novel

history of novel_FunctionsCharacteristics of Novel

Features of Stories of Greek Romances
•  Imaginative
•  Delightful
•  Ideal Love
•  Marvellous adventures


Elements of Novel:


1. Element of Novel: THEME

4.1-History of novel_element of novel-Theme

2. Element of NovelPLOT

4.1-History of novel_element of novel-Plot

3. Element of NovelCHARACTER

4.1-History of novel_element of novel-Character

4. Element of NovelSETTING

4.1-History of novel_element of novel-Setting

5. Element of Novel: CONFLICT

4.1-History of novel_element of novel-Conflict

6. Element of NovelLANGUAGE / STYLE

4.1-History of novel_element of novel-Language-Style

Types of Novel:
•  Realistic Novel
•  Picaresque Novel
•  Historical Novel
•  Epistolary Novel
•  Gothic Novel
•  Utopian Novel
•  Autobiographical Novel
•  Psychological Novel
•  Allegorical Novel
•  Stream of Consciousness Novel
•  ‘Bildungsroman’ Novel


  Realistic Novel:
•  A fiction that gives a realistic effect
•  It is also called Novel of Manner
•  It can be characterized by mixed motives
•  Characters interact with others
•  Characters face plausibility
•  Characters seem like real people with real issues


  Picaresque Novel:
  ‘Picaresque’ originated from Spanish word ‘Picaro’, means a rogue
  It narrates the adventures of a protagonist who is an eccentric, disreputable or dishonest person
  It depicts the adventures of a wicked person
  The story is told in an episodic form
  Hunger, Conflict, Poverty, Corruption and Injustice are perennial themes in Picaresque Novels


  Historical Novel:
  Set in a period earlier than that of writing
  Attempts to convey the spirit, manners and social conditions of a past age
  Transports readers to another time and place, either real or imagined
  Intriguing plot creates some sort of suspense. Plot makes sense and has a solution


  Epistolary Novel
  Derived from Latin word ‘epistola’, means ‘letter’
  Presentation with the help of a series of correspondence & documents
  Letters & Diary entries are very popular forms of Epistolary Novel
  Newspaper clippings are also used
  Dates back at least to ancient Roman Times
  Gained popularity in 17th & 18th Century


  Gothic Novel
  Largely known by Subgenre of Gothic Horror
  Emphasis on emotion & pleasurable kind of terror
  Extension of Romantic Literary Movement
  A Story of Terror, Suspense, Death, Decay or Haunted Buildings
  Usually set in a Gloomy Old Castle or Monastery
  The term associated with Superstition in 18th century


  Utopian Novel
  Utopia is an Imaginary Community
  Utopia is an Ideal Society
  Common literary theme used in Science & Speculative fiction
  Utopian & Dystopian explore Social & Political structure
  All Social Evils have been cured in Utopian Society


  Autobiographical Novel
  Based on the life of author
  Author changes the places & names of characters
  Author may change or avoid certain details of his life
  It may or may not be in the first-person narration
  Autofiction techniques are used


  Psychological Novel
  Treats internal life of main character
  External factors are studied too
  Emphasizes interior characterization
  Explore spiritual & emotional lives
  Examines reasons of character’s behaviour
  Known as Psychological Realism also


  Allegorical Novel
  Allegory is a story that bears more than one level of meaning
  Surface meaning is different from the symbolic meaning of it
  Symbolic meaning may be political, religious, historical or philosophical
  It describe situations and events or expresses abstract ideas in terms of material objects, persons and actions
  It is a symbolic fictional narrative that conveys a meaning not explicitly set forth in the narrative


  Stream of Consciousness Novel
  A phrase coined by William James in his treatise ‘Principles of Psychology’, 1890
  It means the flow of the thoughts
  Incidents in the plot are in the sequence of their ocurences. Novelist nattates them by adding in character’s mind
  It is a person’s thoughts and conscious reactions to events, perceived as a continuous flow


 ‘Bildungsroman’ Novel
  The German word ‘Bildungsroman’ indicates ‘Growth’
  Involved with Protagonist’s mind, spirit & character
  Concerned with education, development & maturing of young Protagonist
  Psychological, emotional & moral growth of a main character
  Protagonist is forced away from home on a journey
  It is the fictional biography or autobiography



4.1_History of Novel_Pulp Magazines


4.1_History of Novel_Science Fiction

Famous Novels in English:

4.1 history of novel_famous novels in english

Books mentioned throughout the Chapter & their Writers

4.1_History of Novel_Books mentioned throughout the Chapter & their Writers_1

4.1_History of Novel_Books mentioned throughout the Chapter & their Writers_2

Women Novelists in the great pageant

4.1_History of Novel_Women Novelists in the great pageant

English Novel Scenario in India

4.1_History of Novel_English Novel Scenario in India

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